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Sandra El Abboud
Professional Skills
Experience & Activities
Meet Sandra El Abboud, a talented and dynamic board member. With a background in journalism, Sandra brings a unique perspective to the table. Her exceptional writing skills have earned her a reputable position at a well-known fashion magazine in the Arab world.
Sandra’s vibrant and fun spirit is contagious, making her a joy to work with. As our digital marketing and social media expert, she takes charge of creating engaging and innovative content that resonates with our audience.
Her passion for fashion styling is evident in every project she undertakes. Whether it’s guiding models or assisting clients, Sandra’s keen eye for aesthetics and impeccable taste elevate the overall experience.
Beyond her professional expertise, Sandra’s charming and feminine demeanor adds warmth to our team environment. Her creativity knows no bounds, and she never fails to pay attention to even the smallest of details.
Sandra’s dedication and love for her craft make her an invaluable asset to our team. With her on board, we’re confident in delivering exceptional results that captivate and inspire our clients and audience alike.